Original Bronze Sculptures

Limited Editions

Week Seven in Austin (the moment of despair in apartment 630)

Artist's Statement - It is not my objective to make a political statement with this sculpture; rather, it is my intent to point out a patently punitive piece of Texas state legislation that ought to be corrected. I'll not attempt to cite the lengthy list of examples where Texas Senate Bill 8 has cruelly impacted the lives of innocent women. However, ABC news recently had a segment on one such Texas mother and the reader can view the content at this link.

The "Pro-Life" versus the "Right to Choose" now is a never-ending episode of two clashing value systems and it's unlikely that anyone will back down from their personal beliefs.

This "Week Seven..." sculpture depicts a moment of despair for a woman who, in her 7th week, has just discovered her pregnancy.  Complications may arise if the pregnancy is unexpected  in spite of preventative efforts.  Even if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, Texas does not allow for an abortion after six weeks. Likewise, if the fetus is discovered to be non-viable the state  requires the woman to carry it to full term - months of bearing and nurturing a soon-to-be abandoned nucleus of cells. The emotional pain must be almost unbearable. What if suicide is judged by the woman as the only way out of the dilemma? -  as depicted in this sculpture.

Surely, the Great State of Texas can figure out a way to compromise on this issue!

Title Block

Front Right

Back Left

Back Right

"Week Seven in Austin (the moment of despair in apartment 630)" is a limited edition of 30 pieces. It is 28"H X 16"L X 12"W and weighs 75 pounds and is priced at $7,750 US.


City of Longview, Texas installs first Sculpture under new Cultural District program

The new piece by Childress is titled "Books Make Dreams" and features a young African American female holding two books with one extended above her head. Both books are authored by Black females and provide ample lessons toward the idea of self-empowerment. 

Click here for a comprehensive news article in the local Longview News-Journal...or click here for audiovisual interview with Sculptor Pat Childress by Tyler, Texas television station KLTV.

The "Books Make Dreams" bronze sculpture was created by Childress in response to a request for quotation by the Committee on the Arts in Longview, Texas. The concept was "open ended" and Childress submitted the successful bid after careful considering the various options for the theme. The work in clay was commenced in March 2022 and the final bronze piece was installed, mounted on a pink granite stone in front of the library in July 2022. Reception by the local community has been "exceptional" and the sculpture has had widespread coverage local media. The Facebook page for the library and this sculpture may be found on Facebook at this address.

Final Fetch

Most every dog owner goes through the misery of having to put an aging companion down, for the good of the pet. Still, it's heart-wrenching to watch a faithful canine friend on their way out. This sculpture depicts an older man playing with his dog for the last time prior to the pet's exit from this world. The owner holds a stick in his right hand while comforting his dog with both arms. The pet rests his paw on the knee of his owner, the sole caregiver and friend of the animal for more than a decade.

"Final Fetch" is a limited edition of 30 pieces; approximately 15" H X 10" W X 10"D, mounted on a dark wood base with a "Lazy Susan" style turntable integrated into the bottom of the base, if desired. The client may choose the style of patina applied to the piece at completion.

The piece weighs approximately 30 pounds and is priced at $3,925.

July 2023..."Final Fetch" wins First Prize in the 2023 Texas Society of Sculptors exhibition in Georgetown, Texas. 

Here's what the juror said in making the award: "This is a genuinely sensitive piece, from the portrait of the man to the treatment of the surface texture. There is real emotion here. The connection between the man and his dog is clear. This sculpture is visually interesting from all vantage point and leaves one wanting to keep looking and discovering more."


Native American depicted wearing U.S. Calvary Jacket, carrying a calvary short sword, readying himself for an epic battle with an American Bison...

Size is approximately 26" in height; 14" in width and 11" in depth, mounted on rotating wooden base.  Weight, approximately 35 pounds. 

LimIted edition of 25 pieces; priced at $4,785 U.S. 


The latter half of the nineteenth century was a period of desolation, privation and ruination of the Native American. Their lifeblood, the bison, was pushed to extinction by the white settlers anxious to expand their land boundaries. In the case of the Sioux Oglala tribe, the shaman offered up to their gods the Spirit of the Buffalo in the form of a skull.  An Oglala prayer "It is from this buffalo person that our people live, she gives us everything" is inscribed on the back of the sculpture.

Approximately 16"H X 10"W X 15" D.

Limited edition of 30 pieces; priced at $3,085 U.S. 

The Bishop's Burden

"The Bishop's Burden" is based on historical events. A Viking raid on the church of St. Cuthbert (England) on June 8, 793 A.D. "sent a shockwave through Europe...The church was splattered with blood of the priests of God, stripped of all its furnishing and exposed to the plundering of pagans."

This limited edition of 30 cast bronze pieces captures the imagery that the church officials likely had of the Vikings as they indiscriminately tore through the largely unprotected monasteries, leaving misery and suffering in their trail. 

Approximately 15"H X 8" W X 13" D.

Limited edition of 30 pieces; priced at $3,835 U.S. 


The American Bison, more commonly known as the Buffalo, was the Native American's source of food, shelter and clothing. The Buffalo Person was the Plains Indians' most valuable resource and was treated in a spiritual manner. With the virtual disappearance of the buffalo, many tribes were destined for extinction.

Approximately 6"H X 8"W X 9"D.

Limited edition of 50 pieces; priced at $930 U.S.

Promises    -->

Chief Red Cloud, a great Sioux warrior-statesman, was the ONLY Native American warrior who was able to soundly defeat the U.S. Army in an extended war, resulting in a treaty that was written and executed on Red Cloud's terms (later abrogated by the U.S. government). In this "PROMISES" bronze sculpture, Red Cloud is holding a peace medal that was given to Native American leaders as a symbol of peace by the U.S. government leaders. Here, Red Cloud is depicted as perhaps a bit disdainful of this token gift.

Inscribed around the perimeter of the base of the bronze sculpture is one of Red Cloud's most prophetic quotes: "They made us many promises but they kept only one. The promised to take our land. And they did."


Limited edition of 30 pieces; priced at $3,585 U.S. 

Approximately 15"H X 8"W X 8" D

weight: 22 pounds

Fading Spirit

There can be little argument that the essence of the Old West was centered on the Native American population. This piece of sculpture is meant to represent the waning years of glory for the Western Indian tribes, including the Plains Indians such as this Crow and those whose primary habitat was in the the Southwestern United States, such as the Comanche and Apache in Texas. The Crow Indian in this sculpture wears his hair fortified with bear grease and proudly wears the grizzly bear claw necklace as proof of his manhood.

Approximately 13" H X 7" W X 6" D.

Limited edition of 25 pieces; priced at $2,960 U.S. 

Cowboy Ramsey

The inspiration for "Cowboy Ramsey" came from a song by the late Don Walser, likely the best Western song balladeer in history.  Don's song about "Cowboy Ramsey" included the lines "a lover, a fighter, a wild bull rider...and a pretty good windmill man." I thought that to be a good inspiration for this ol' boy...

Approximately 15"H  X 7" W  X 8" D.

Limited edition of  30 pieces; priced at $2,960 U.S.  

The "Old West" Set

Sold as a matching pair, priced at $5,300 U.S.

"Gone Forever" shown above in optional wooden frame.

David Feherty's "Troops First" Foundation is Beneficiary of Record Setting Bronze Piece titled "A Helping Hand" by J.P. Childress, Texas Society of Sculptors member...

Click here to see photographs of all the auction action, including a short video of the conclusion.

Sculptor Pat Childress pictured above with seven Veteran Heroes who were featured guests at the  2021 George Strait "Vaqueros del Mar" charity golf tournament held at Tapatio Springs Golf Resort in Boerne, Texas.  Childress' "A Helping Hand" bronze trophy sculpture went for a record $95,000 with all proceeds benefitting David Feherty's Troops First Foundation. 

2023 Update...serial number 3 of 30 was auctioned off at the October 2023 VDM event for $40,000, contributing  an accumulative total of $200,000 in charitable contributions to Troops First!

Takin' a Break

Clay model approximately 12" in height on rotating wooden base...currently in clay form, ready for foundry work...inquire about special pre-cast pricing...

Forever Gone

The Native American way of life was unique in so very many ways.  It reached its zenith in the 17th and 18th century in America and once removed by American forces, it was never to return to its early glory.

This is a bias relief bronze work that is suitable for framing and to be wall hung.  The outside dimensions are 12"X16," a standard canvas size.   Limited Edition of 25 pieces. 

Priced at $1,250 U.S.

(optional frame shown above)

Terms of sales are F.O.B. Boerne, Texas.  All sales taxes, shipping and handling charges are in addition to sales prices shown above. Terms of payment are: 10% of total price due with order; 40% of total price due prior to casting and balance prior to delivery. Payment may be made by check or PayPal. Contact the artist for further inquiries including additional photographs of each sculpture.